Prosperity: It’s Another Gospel

In a recent sermon series on 1 Peter, I commented that I believe prosperity theology (a.k.a. “health and wealth”, “name it and claim it”, “word of faith”, etc.) is one of the greatest opponents of true Christianity in the world today. It is another gospel. It calls itself “Christianity”, but is not.

Unfortunately, it is spreading like a wildfire here in the U.S. and overseas. Here is an article from World Magazine that gives a little taste of how this false teaching is having an impact in Africa:

I wish we could say that what is happening in Africa is the exception, but I see it even here in the U.S. It seems that TBN has had a far greater impact on how Christians think than we want to admit. I know of multiple churches teaching prosperity theology within a short drive from me. I know of people who have left sound, biblical churches to attend these churches. And very few seem to think anything of it.

Just look at how many people are buying everything Joel Osteen creates. You see my point.

I am saddened. I am concerned. The gospel is at stake.

Watch this video from John Piper who speaks about the prosperity gospel:

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